
Insights & Sound Bites

Listen in as people facing vision loss share their insights about what has helped them cope and adjust.

To share your insights, just leave us a message on our Insights & Sound Bites podcast voicemail by calling (847) 512-4867. Or, select the "submit your insights" button below to record right from this web page or use your smartphone or computer to record yourself and email it to [email protected].

A few things to think about while recording:
  1. It's best to find a quite place to talk and imagine you're speaking with a good friend.
  2. 3 to 5 minutes of audio is plenty.
  3. If you're comfortable doing so, please give your name, where you live, and the best way to contact you should we have a question. (If you prefer to remain anonymous, that's totally fine too.)
  4. When sharing your insight, try to describe the moment or event in detail. What was the setting? What emotion did you feel? Think of it as painting us a picture with your words.


  • Doug Walker
    Doug Walker
